
by Darryl Porter, Saltillo Blogger Every person has to get their hustle on these days, and especially disabled people. Some businesses won’t hire disabled people, because they think disabled people can’t do the jobs if the business decides to hire a disabled person. So the disabled person must prove themselves fo...

Superman, One Call Away

  Posted on Aug 27, 2018 - 12:33pm

Today I would like to tell you about my grandpa. My grandpa likes to tease. He has a special sense of humor. But my grandpa DOESN’T sit around the house. He is a working man. Whenever we asked him to help us fix things, he does it in a flash. One time after coming home from a family outing, our van suddenly died with...

    Life With Kyle

Back To School With AAC

  Posted on Aug 22, 2018 - 11:32am

By Christine Kramlich, M.Ed It’s that time of year when, as a parent, we are out shopping for clothes and school supplies and getting excited that our kids are starting back to school. But for many years, I had double duty because I was preparing my classroom for those eager (and not so eager) learners to come into ...

A Miracle

  Posted on Aug 20, 2018 - 4:54pm

Have you ever had a craving for a particular food, and could not let go of it until your craving was satisfied? This happens to me all the time. Sometimes I crave ice cream after supper. Years ago we lived near Springfield Missouri where we would go to Braum’s ice cream store for their amazing frozen custard. Many tim...

    Life With Kyle

Middle School

  Posted on Aug 15, 2018 - 4:20pm

By Katie Yonker, Poet Every morning I looked I was going good day I can remember every morning I go to my favorite subject The language arts class learning read the books and making of Animal Farm then back special ed classes waiting the favorite peer tours who was be my friends for day for play my communication dev...


  Posted on Aug 10, 2018 - 11:33am

By Kyle Dinwiddie, PRC Blogger Being 18, soon to be 19, year old boy with CP has given me the opportunity to come across some interesting adventures in some of the strangest places. In fact you wouldn’t even think that simple day to day events would give me such amazing adventures. Just like a few days ago, I was lay...