By Keslie Spider, PRC Ambassador Hello my name is Keslie. I have Prc’s Eco2. Imagine finding your dream job. Although being a PRC ambassador was not always what I had in mind plans change. I wanted to be a chef but then I realized nobody in their right mind would give me a knife. So I thought what am I great at? ...
By Kim Vuong, PRC-Saltillo Blogger I was in a disabled social group and I filled out a form to meet new friends. The process took about two years before I was able to receive the letter, because I moved several times and they didn’t know how to contact me. Then, out of nowhere on February 10th 1998, I got a le...
By Kyle Dinwiddie, PRC-Saltillo Blogger With a thump, my dad jumped on my bed and began hopping up and down. I groaned, “What time it is?” “Nine o’clock,” he cheerfully replies. I buried my head deeper in my pillow. “It’s DASA’s Super Sports Sunday,” announces...
By Ayleen Armendariz, PRC-Saltillo Blogger When I was born, I was dead for 15 minutes because I swallowed too much fluid. A nurse practiced CPR and I started to breath again. They took me to the hospital in Maricopa, Arizona in a helicopter. I had three heart attacks and the left side of my brain was not responding. My kid...
By Chelsea Hagen, PRC Blogger I have wanted to write about parents that are overly protective of their disabled children, and why, WE the children, let them get away with it. I’m not sure I have the answer, but here is my funny story anyway. When I was eighteen I asked my overly protective mother if I could read the...
By Kyle Dinwiddie Hello! It is Kyle. Today I want to talk about FEAR. It is funny and sad how fear can control us. We all have things that we are afraid of like the dark, clowns, spiders, snakes, ‘lions, and tigers, and bears, OH MY!’ Fear stops us from doing new things like trying a new food, or making new frien...