
Posted May 4, 2016 - 11:23am

By Kyle Dinwiddie


It is Kyle.

Today I want to talk about FEAR. It is funny and sad how fear can control us. We all have things that we are afraid of like the dark, clowns, spiders, snakes, ‘lions, and tigers, and bears, OH MY!’ Fear stops us from doing new things like trying a new food, or making new friends. Will they like me? Will they get me? But it seems that most of the time when we face our fears, somehow we are better for it. This leads me to today’s blog. I hope you will like it.


One night I was getting ready for bed. I turned off the lights.


I am a very organized person. I like to have everything in a certain place. But all of the sudden out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that my closet door was partially opened. No biggie! I’ll just close it. But when I tried to shut it, IT WOULD NOT CLOSE!

I froze.

It’s amazing how when you are scared, your mind can make that fear grow larger. And it was at that moment that I remembered my dad’s scary campfire story about a closet.

Thanks, Dad!

As I sat there with my heart pounding, I asked myself, “What am I going to do? Am I going to sit here forever?” NO! Determining to face whatever or WHOEVER was behind the door, I stood up straight and approached the closet. My hand was shaking so bad when I reached for the doorknob. Sweat was beginning to pour off my head. I jerked the door open and what did I see? MY STATEBOARD! I started laughing. Boy was I relieved.

The next morning when I woke up, I told my mom the whole story. She was surprised that I actually looked inside my closet. She told me that she would not have done that.

So, I guess, I was a warrior! Do you have fear that is controlling you? If so, you should face it like a warrior. And maybe you will laugh at it too.

Kyle on his skateboard

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