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Join The Language Lab For Summer Camp 2022!

  Posted on May 23, 2022 - 11:19am

By Hannah Foley, PRC-Saltillo Blogger Life looks very different in the summer than it does during the academic year. Relaxation, no structure, and summer activities replace formal learning and structured activities, which can result in regression, especially for individuals with AAC needs. Goals and activities that have bu...

    News   -    aac language lab, aac learning journey, camp,...

Johnny Schnieder

  Posted on Nov 15, 2022 - 3:04pm

One day my friend invited me to go to her job’s Halloween dance! I got to meet a boy who had a speech device like mine. We became friends at the end of the night! I love to see other people use their device. People can understand me better.

Jess Plans Her Wedding

  Posted on Apr 10, 2019 - 4:09pm

By Jess,  PRC-Saltillo Blogger I have support workers come in to my home most days to support me to live an independent life, i like to say I am a stay at home wife to be!! YES I am getting married next year! Before I tell you all about my big day I thought I would explain what my stay at home life looks like! I am ...

    Communicators In Action   -    AAC, wedding, love, Bali, australia, down und...

Jerry Stein Memorial Independent Living Award

  Posted on Sep 30, 2020 - 11:25am

By Kim Vuong, PRC-Saltillo Blogger Hello, my name is Kim Vuong, and some of you may know me already, since I’m an ambassador for AAC. I work as a speech aide at the  Tichenor Orthopedic Clinic in Long Beach, Calif. and I also serve on the Citizen’s Advisory Commission on Disabilities in Long Beach, and&nbs...

    Communicators In Action   -    award, aac, independent living, long beach, c...

Jamie Haas Barnett

  Posted on Jul 1, 2020 - 10:36am

By Hank Poore, PRC-Saltillo Blogger There are a lot of people who I love. But there is nobody like my favorite grandma Jamie ( momma if you read this you are better than Jamie) anyway Jamie was my IEP teacher, she’s also a family friend. She stands up for what’s right for me, she also believes in me. She doesn&...

    Communicators In Action   -    family, grandma, AAC, teacher, education, IEP


  Posted on Dec 9, 2015 - 11:45am

By Jacob MacAinsh, student A couple of weeks ago, Jacob wrote his first blog for the AAC Language Lab. He got a wonderful response from readers and a couple of folks asked him questions. In today’s blog, Jacob responds to the questions. Thank you for the most awesome notes! Let me tell more about myself. School i...