
Good Thing I Have A Computer

  Posted on Jun 24, 2020 - 12:55pm

By Lauren Opipari, PRC-Saltillo Blogger Hi everyone this is Lauren again with another blog. I am keeping busy with texting and using the computer to stay in touch with everyone. I have been attending meetings using Zoom. My best friend, Lauren Y, had a Zoom birthday party. We played Birthday Bingo over the computer and I g...

    Communicators In Action   -    computer, zoom, tik tok, communication, AAC, ...

What Should We Watch?

  Posted on Jun 17, 2020 - 5:18pm

By Chris Sawka, PRC Saltillo Blogger On days when we have all kinds of time to watch tv and movies, what do you think we should watch? The entire Harry Potter collection- I love seeing the school for the first time. I love all the magic we saw the first time. Ron, Harry and Hermione made good friendships. They even got ...

    Communicators In Action   -    covid, quarantine, movies, harry potter, disn...

The Power Of Speech

  Posted on Jun 12, 2020 - 10:18am

By Kyle Dinwiddie, PRC-Saltillo Blogger When I was six years old, my speech therapist recommended me to have an evaluation with Mid Missouri Assistive Technology in Mount Vernon, Missouri. I tried multiple types of communication tools during this evaluation.  As she watched me, the therapist told my parents that my sp...

    Life With Kyle   -    AAC, communication, language, sign language, ...

Favorite Memories Of High School

  Posted on Jun 10, 2020 - 11:58am

By Hank Poore, PRC-Saltillo Blogger I had some great high school experiences and wanted to share some memories with y’all. My freshman year, we had the first fire drill of the year and I was upstairs , I didn’t know what I was supposed to do so me and a teacher decided to get on the elevator to go downstairs t...

    Communicators In Action   -    high school, memories, aac, science

New Beginnings

  Posted on Jun 8, 2020 - 11:00am

By Kyle Dinwiddie, PRC-Saltillo Blogger It is amazing how you can think that something is all over, and then life can completely switch to a new way of living.  We can choose to change with the times or fight against the changes. Recently, my life has had a ton of changes. But one of the good changes was that we rec...

    Life With Kyle

Communication Partner Protocol

  Posted on Jun 3, 2020 - 12:25pm

By Kristy LIpe - PRC-Saltillo Ambassador Hey everyone!  I'm Kristy Lipe, I'm twenty-nine years old and I have cerebral palsy .   And, that is due to the lack of oxygen I had when I was born .   Thankfully though I think and understand everything like a normal twenty-nine year old does!  I'm a ...

    Communicators In Action   -    AAC, communication partner, interaction, prot...