By Brittany Toney, M.A., CCC-SLP, Saltillo Consultant We made it to 2021! So what now? You are unsure whether or not your children will ever go back to school; meanwhile you are trying to navigate teletherapy with your child who uses an AAC device. Although I have heard from some caregivers that this time at home has been ...
By Carson Covey, PRC-Saltillo Blogger Tips and tricks Welcome to 2021 finally!!! Over sixteen years of AAC experience I found some tips and tricks. You can put a password on the device to prevent unexpected editing. When someone first start using a device you can gray out pages and or buttons to make the device less b...
By Lance McLemore, PRC-Saltillo Blogger I am a person on the autism spectrum. One thing that I’ve thought about and heard other people talking about is the issue of eye contact. Most people will be aware that many people with autism have trouble making eye contact myself included. I know many autistic adults who talk...
By Hannah Foley, PRC-Saltillo Blogger As we enter the new year, I am forced to reflect on the last twelve months. We have all experienced many challenges and changes this year. Whether it be telletherapy, remote learning, remote teaching, or navigating balancing responsibilities of working and helping your children with re...
By Kim Vuong, PRC-Saltillo Blogger It’s important for everyone—including people with disabilities--to wear a mask while we’re trying to get COVID-19 under control. But as a person with cerebral palsy, I find that wearing a mask can make it even more of a challenge to communicate verbally. Fortunate...
By Michelle Mineo, M.S. CCC-SLP, PRC Regional Consultant for Central Ohio and Open Territories I decided post 40, with no real experience as runner, that I wanted to tackle a half marathon, 13.1 consecutive miles. Several very slow 5Ks later, I thought “I can do this.” But I had no training partner, no i...