
My First Apartment

  Posted on Aug 6, 2014 - 11:58am

_By David Chappel, PRC Ambassador _ I have very good memories of my first apartment with my best friend from college, Mike. I remember the day he told me he wanted to move from the place he was living because his roommates were getting married to each other and the living situation was getting very awkward. Mike and Da...

By Brian P. Cleary Brian P. Cleary Even though I hated school, I didn’t hate learning. As a little one, I fell hard for the sing-songy rhythmic patterns of Dr. Seuss. Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, and the rest were my introduction to the wonder of words. I had a couple of teachers in grade school when I was...

My Little Brother

  Posted on Nov 26, 2014 - 11:51am

By Grant Ahner Adam is a good little brother. He is eight. He plays X BOX with me. We fight over the X BOX every week. He gets my Vantage Lite. He gets my iPad. Adam feeds me lunch. He likes to go fast on his four-wheeler. We go fast behind the greenhouse. Adam fixes my go-cart. He likes to shoot my M14 (it s...

Poetry Foundation Contest Winner

  Posted on Sep 3, 2014 - 10:43am

By Gretchen Bright, B.S. As a consultant, I LOVE receiving emails from families and clients using our devices. It’s so exciting to hear how our clients are doing. Getting the chance to hear how some are teasing their siblings, ordering their food at a restaurant, making cards for grandparents, starting a new job or taki...

Puppies And Potties: A Preposition Proposition

  Posted on Nov 5, 2014 - 10:11am

By Sarah Wilds, M.S., CCC-SLP Last week I got the pleasure of meeting Liam, a bright-blue eyed 3 year old. Liam has severe apraxia and had been working for several months on imitation of vowels and consonants. His speech pathologist thought he might benefit from AAC and asked me to come work with the two of them to see...

Realize Language

  Posted on Aug 20, 2014 - 12:39pm

By Russell Cross, Director of Clinical Applications, BSc (Hons) Psych; MRCSLT One of the gurus of modern management practice is Ken Blanchard. His classic book, The One-Minute Manager, has sold over 13 million copies and been translated into almost 40 different languages. His impact on the field of management science has b...
