Language Stage Three

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6

Stage Overview

At stage three, the person learns to use the smallest units of meaning, called morphemes, to change meaning, such as adding –ing to verbs. Phrases and sentences may not sound grammatically correct because helping verbs are not included at this stage. For example, the person might be saying “it go” and then begin to say “it going”. A person at stage three begins to use the prepositions “in” and “on” in phrases such as “in box” and “on head”. The use of plurals begins at stage three. The mean (average) length of utterance grows to 2.75, with typical phrases ranging from two to three words.

Approx. Vocab. Size
Utterance Length in Morphenes
200 to 1,000 words
Range: 2.5 to 3.0 Mean: 2.75
Mom coming in, Dad helping, Man riding, Look it going, My cars

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Language Objectives
  • Simple sentences
  • Add More Words
  • Plural Nouns
  • Negatives in Sentences
  • Sentences to Direct Actions
  • Sentences to Express Requests
  • On-going Action
  • Prepositions
  • ING Verbs and Prepositions
  • Simple Pronoun Verb Phrases
  • Infinitive Verbs