
Playground Core Communication Boards From PRC-Saltillo

  Posted on Nov 16, 2021 - 12:20pm

Recess. Is there any other time at school that children like as much as time spent playing? Children who use AAC, however, face a unique challenge. When playing outside with their classmates, taking an AAC device with them means the device can get broken or lost. But without it, there is no way for the child to communicate...

    News   -    aac, playground, core boards for playgrounds,...

LAMP Words For Life VI

  Posted on Mar 20, 2019 - 4:41pm

By Jeremy Legaspi, CCC-SLP LAMP Words for Life VI evolved out of a need for a robust and consistent language system for the visually impaired population. Early intervention with this population typically utilizes real objects or large tactile cards to represent language. This is a great starting point and typically gets ch...

    News   -    lamp, words for life, vision, icons, tactile,...

Realize Language

  Posted on Aug 20, 2014 - 12:39pm

By Russell Cross, Director of Clinical Applications, BSc (Hons) Psych; MRCSLT One of the gurus of modern management practice is Ken Blanchard. His classic book, The One-Minute Manager, has sold over 13 million copies and been translated into almost 40 different languages. His impact on the field of management science has b...


Introducing A New Way To Learn!

  Posted on Apr 25, 2022 - 3:19pm

Experience PRC-Saltillo’s new AAC Learning Journey website and discover a great variety of resources including eLearning classes and live online instructor-led trainings. From parents looking for ways to help their augmentative communicator to clinicians, educators and other professionals committed to expanding their ...

    News   -    aac learning journey, learning portal, elearn...

Join The Language Lab For Summer Camp 2022!

  Posted on May 23, 2022 - 11:19am

By Hannah Foley, PRC-Saltillo Blogger Life looks very different in the summer than it does during the academic year. Relaxation, no structure, and summer activities replace formal learning and structured activities, which can result in regression, especially for individuals with AAC needs. Goals and activities that have bu...

    News   -    aac language lab, aac learning journey, camp,...

Adi's World

  Posted on Jan 14, 2015 - 10:29am

By Jo-Marie, children’s author, Adi’s World book series Life’s a journey. Live your dreams! Jo-Marie In my imagination all deciduous trees are hollow. Many of them have communities of tiny beings living inside of them. I hope you decide to visit this fantasy world. Book One: Adi’s World Have you ever...
