
Access Issues Anyone???

  Posted on Feb 11, 2015 - 11:25am

By Elizabeth Bortz, MSCCC-SLP, Regional Consultant for Maryland/Delaware Access Issues Anyone??? As an SLP, who had been a part of an Assistive Technology team for years, I was always been challenged with the students who you know could say more if their access issues didn’t “get in the way”. I consist...

Medicare & The Ice Bucket

  Posted on Feb 4, 2015 - 10:51am

By: Jon A. Feucht M.S.Ed, Executive Director Authentic Voices of America Doctoral student_ As my wife tells me, it is the littler things in life that are the most important. In 2014, the AAC field bear witness to such a phenomenon and it is time that we reflected on it. Everybody and their brother took the “Ice Bucket ...

Martin Pistorious

  Posted on Jan 29, 2015 - 10:17am

Martin Pistorious, Author Ghost Boy My name is Martin Pistorius and I have been using AAC to communicate for about 12 years. I have had quite an interesting and somewhat unusual journey through life and learning how to communicate - so much so that I wrote a book about it, Ghost Boy. Ghost Boy I chose to title my book G...

Using Games To Reinforce Language Lessons

  Posted on Jan 28, 2015 - 11:13am

By Margo Edwards, Director of Content Development for, a free resource for teaching children to read Finding great educational activities is a challenge for teachers and parents alike. Teachers want classroom time to be fun but still substantive, and parents want to promote their child’s education with...


Kate And I

  Posted on Jan 21, 2015 - 11:50am

By David Chapple In 1996, I had been out of college for about two years. I met my future wife Kate at the Pittsburgh Employment Conference (PEC) for augmentative communicators. The conference was for individuals who use communication devices. I was from Ohio and she was from Texas. Our eyes met and we just knew, it was lo...

Adi's World

  Posted on Jan 14, 2015 - 10:29am

By Jo-Marie, children’s author, Adi’s World book series Life’s a journey. Live your dreams! Jo-Marie In my imagination all deciduous trees are hollow. Many of them have communities of tiny beings living inside of them. I hope you decide to visit this fantasy world. Book One: Adi’s World Have you ever...
