By Beth Waite-Lafever, MA-CCC/SLP-ATP Shared reading is a strategy used to teach emergent literacy skills. It’s an interactive reading experience that helps teach students the concept of reading. It serves to build social closeness, joint attention to an experience, models of how we treat books and other early literacy ...
By Kye Dinwiddie, PRC-Saltillo Blogger We are seeing a different world. Social distancing and bare shelves in the grocery stores have become commonplace. It seems that our reality changes every day. Last week, our local coffee shop was hosting a comedy show. I enjoy humor and watching comedians on TV. The idea...
By Hank Poore, PRC Blogger This summer I went to camp McDowell for the 3rd time. It was a lot different because none of my close friends went. I found out about this camp via my neighbors. My favorite part about camp is the huge swing and my other favorite part about camp is the outstanding staff! This camp is differen...
By Christine Kramlich, Kyleigh’s mom Teaching vs. Talking “What color is this?” “What shape is this?” “What body part is this?” “How old are you?” Can’t you just hear the click of the eye rolling from the person being peppered with these questions? Being a teacher for 14 years, I had a v...
By Kyle Dinwiddie, PRC Blogger I have had many firsts this year such as graduating from high school; applying and getting accepted to Columbia College; flying on an airplane; surfing on the ocean; and finding DASA, which stands for Disabled Athlete Sports Association. Becoming a member of DASA has given me lots of oppor...
By Cynthia Heryanto, M.S. CCC-SLP, Regional Consultant for Prentke Romich Company Since it is the beginning of the school year, I thought it would be great to consider how we can make the most out of one of the most common and nearly universal classroom routines- calendar time (or circle time). We all know too well th...