by Kyleigh Kramlich Kyleigh’s Painting My name is Kyleigh. I am 11 years old. I love art because it is fun for me. Kyleigh I have drawn a candy cane and I have drawn blue people. I do my drawing with my head switch on my communication device. It is hard work, but it is awesome. Candy Cane Blue People A 2nd...
By Jane Odom, M.Ed - Director of Implementation Resources, PRC-Saltillo My new favorite podcast is called ‘Invisibilia’ from NPR. It looks at the unseeable forces that control human behavior. I learn something new with each episode. One episode focused on “Expectations”. The...
By Jennifer Herzog, B.S Many years ago, I wrote one of the first “Stories and Strategies for Success” blog articles and profiled my favorite pair of clown sunglasses and most ridiculous hat. I had just worked with a young man learning to use a device for the first time and relied on these gadgets to elicit communicat...
By Brad Whitmoyer Being borne with a physical disability (severe by definition which has always perplexed me as I don’t see my disability being very severe), I have always needed assistance with quite a lot of tasks. From the time I was borne until I was about nineteen, I lived with my parents and three brothers....
By Abigail Brown, PRC Ambassador Abigail Growing up I had to have help with everything—getting dressed, showering, going to the restroom and eating. I don’t know how my mom managed. I remember when my mom told me one day, “I think it’s about time you learn how to dress yourself.” The first time I dressed myse...
_By Ray _ Ray Ray is a 19 year old graduating Senior this year from Hayward High School in Hayward, WI. He has been using Prentke Romich speech generating devices for over 8 years. Ray received his Vantage speech generating device when he was in 6th grade. At that time, the large majority of his communications were s...