By Jacob MacAnish, PRC blogger I like Halloween. I want to dress up as a leprechaun. When I was 10 I dressed up as Darth Vader. My best costume was Superman. On Halloween, I sit on a chair outside and my mom passes out candy. My favorite candy is M&Ms. I used to make jack-o-lanterns. Carving pumpkins is really f...
by Matt Huggins, PRC-Saltillo Ambassador In my town there are hundreds of miles of nature trails. My town got some government funding to pave a small part of one of the nature trails. Recently some people are opposed to paving because they said it would harm the environment. I was interviewed for my town ...
By Ace Bryans Hello I am Ace Bryans, I am 16 years old, I am in a wheelchair and I live with GA1 a Metabolic Disorder and Dystonia a movement disorder so I can’t control my muscles. Because of that I can’t talk with my mouth but I have a special computer called Accent 1400 with eye-gaze, it follows my beautiful br...
By Jacob MacAinsh I go to a club at my school. It is called H.O.P.E. Club. H.O.P.E. stands for Helping Other People Excel. Miss Keim is a leader of the club. We do a lot of fun things. For example, we like to bowl. I’m so good at bowling that I got four strikes. There were many people at the bowling alley. Many of my...
By Hannah Foley, PRC-Saltillo Blogger Growing up is a natural occurrence of life that is necessary. However, the necessity of growth brings change which is good yet difficult and, at times, emotional. If you have been around for the past year or so, you know that I have experienced a lot of changes in my life, both persona...
By Carson Covey, PRC-Saltillo Blogger I don’t know about you guys, but after sixteen years of experience with AAC, I noticed that I grew greatly with my device. When I got my first device, I despised it! I never used my device other than in my speech therapist’s office. My therapist threw me into a group of two...