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How To Make Friends If Using AAC

  Posted on Jun 22, 2022 - 11:23am

By Carson Covey- PRC-Saltillo Blogger Since it is summer now and the world is a little bit more open post Covid,kind of, I recommend that you should take this opportunity to meet new people! We all know that our population has a harder time to get friendships going let’s face it. What I found since 2005 is people do ...

    Communicators In Action   -    aac, social, friend, friendship,

How To Get The Most Out Of Online Shopping

  Posted on Jan 4, 2021 - 9:45am

By Kim Vuong, PRC-Saltillo Blogger For years, I did all my grocery shopping the old-fashioned way, by traveling to the store and going up and down the aisles, picking out the items that I wanted and putting them in my cart.  But like so many other things in life, my shopping habits have been changed by the pandemic. ...

    Communicators In Action   -    amazon, shopping, covid, instacart, grocery

How I Used Motor-Planning To Beat A Difficult Game

  Posted on Oct 5, 2023 - 9:37am

By: Cat Vrana, PRC-Saltillo Blogger Hollow Knight is a game made in 2017 by Team Cherry. You play as a cute little bug with horns. Equipped with nothing but an old nail to use as a sword, you explore the underground expanses of Hallownest, gaining abilities, discovering treasures, and fighting other bugs in boss battles. ...

    Communicators In Action   -    AAC, motor plan, video game

How I Learnt Minspeak

  Posted on Jul 17, 2019 - 3:07pm

How I Learnt Minspeak By Caytlin, Liberator Blogger, Australia Hi I’m Caytlin, I’m 31 years old and I’m a social worker. I love to live life to the fullest and I never allow the disability to get in the way of anything I want to do. Growing up, I went right through mainstream primary school without a com...

    Communicators In Action   -    unity, AAC, Minspeak, Australia, Down Under, ...

By: Lyle Bahe, PRC-Saltillo Ambassador This is a conversation between Lyle and his SLP. In what ways do you communicate your feelings to others? Lyle: I talk people. SLP: If you were frustrated at staff, would you tell that staff or would you only tell me?Lyle: You. SLP: How would she ever know about your frustrations...

    Communicators In Action   -    feelings, communicate with others, independen...

How AT Changed My Life

  Posted on May 7, 2020 - 1:10pm

By Ayleen Armendariz, PRC-Saltillo Blogger Assistive technology has changed my life. My aide showed me what iPhones can do, like read a website for me.  The iPhone can read Instagram and Facebook, making it possible for me to hear what influencers and the people I care about are saying. It keeps me connected to my fam...

    Communicators In Action   -    assistive technology, AT, Accent, ECO, eye ga...