
Defining A Self Image

  Posted on Jul 16, 2014 - 10:53am

_By Kevin Williams Kevin and his friend Jane Hello, this is Kevin again, a PRC ambassador from North Carolina. In my last blog post, “Motivate to Self-Advocate”. I discussed how communication partners can get involved with encouraging an augmentative communicator to use and be more self-sufficient with their device. I...

Why Accept Unnecessary Annoyance And Frustration?

  Posted on Mar 2, 2022 - 10:08am

By Hannah Foley, PRC-Saltillo Blogger How do you view people who have disabilities? How about those who have complex communication needs and use AAC on a daily basis? How do you feel when you see others praising people with disabilities for doing “normal” daily activities? The term “inspiration porn&rdq...

    Communicators In Action   -    disability, aac, negativity, communincation, ...

Ghost Boy

  Posted on Jul 23, 2014 - 1:19pm

Martin Pistorious, Author Ghost Boy My name is Martin Pistorius and I have been using AAC to communicate for about 12 years. I have had quite an interesting and somewhat unusual journey through life and learning how to communicate - so much so that I wrote a book about it, Ghost Boy. Ghost Boy I chose to title my book G...

My AAC Journey

  Posted on May 8, 2019 - 1:54pm

By Carson Covey, Saltillo Ambassador Hi everyone, My name is Carson, I'm an ambassador and a new blogger for Saltillo. A little about myself. I eat, drink and sleep Augmentative and Alternative Communication. I started AAC when I was four years old. I have used TouchChat on an iPad for the last 8 years. Saltillo's IOS...

    Communicators In Action   -    aac, touchchat, eco, ipad, saltillo, prc

Medical Language Surrounding Autism

  Posted on Mar 9, 2022 - 10:04am

By Lance McLemore, PRC-Saltillo Blogger It would have probably been better to write this for Autism Awareness Month, but as usual, my timing is off. I find that it’s better to write out an idea as soon as I have it. I would like to talk about the language surrounding autism and autistic people. Many people believe th...

    Communicators In Action   -    aac, language, communication, medical, disabi...

My First Apartment

  Posted on Aug 6, 2014 - 11:58am

_By David Chappel, PRC Ambassador _ I have very good memories of my first apartment with my best friend from college, Mike. I remember the day he told me he wanted to move from the place he was living because his roommates were getting married to each other and the living situation was getting very awkward. Mike and Da...