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  Posted on May 24, 2019 - 11:43am

By Kyle Dinwiddie, PRC-Saltillo Blogger One year ago, my whole family was chosen by The Dream Factory to make a dream come true.  The Dream Factory is an amazing organization that makes the dreams of children with illnesses or disabilities come true.  One day a wonderful woman named Maureen came over to our house...

    Life With Kyle   -    disney, wish, meltdown, AAC, ice cream, rolle...

Meeting Josh Blue

  Posted on Feb 20, 2023 - 10:12am

By John Schnieder, PRC-Saltillo Blogger Hello, my name is John Schnieder. One day my brother Jacob got us tickets to go to see Josh Blue. Josh is a stand up comedian and I saw him on TV. My brother hadn’t seen him before and he liked him. Josh has the same condition as me, cerebral palsy. I think it’s cool to s...

Medicare & The Ice Bucket

  Posted on Feb 4, 2015 - 10:51am

By: Jon A. Feucht M.S.Ed, Executive Director Authentic Voices of America Doctoral student_ As my wife tells me, it is the littler things in life that are the most important. In 2014, the AAC field bear witness to such a phenomenon and it is time that we reflected on it. Everybody and their brother took the “Ice Bucket ...

Medical Language Surrounding Autism

  Posted on Mar 9, 2022 - 10:04am

By Lance McLemore, PRC-Saltillo Blogger It would have probably been better to write this for Autism Awareness Month, but as usual, my timing is off. I find that it’s better to write out an idea as soon as I have it. I would like to talk about the language surrounding autism and autistic people. Many people believe th...

    Communicators In Action   -    aac, language, communication, medical, disabi...


  Posted on May 28, 2014 - 11:47am

By Charles “Chase” Sanders Chase I am so smart and nice. I am awesome. I am spiritual but, not so spiritual. I am OCD. I like race cars and Alabama football. My favorite color is green. I like playing with my device, the Eco14. I am not sure when I am getting my new device. It is called the Eco2. I like Su...

Mattie's Journey

  Posted on Jul 15, 2020 - 3:30pm

By Mattie Matlock, PRC-Saltillo Blogger Hello my name is Mattie Matlock and I have been on a communication device since I was three years old and I am 35 years old now. I am the kind of person that who loves to teach other people about the communication devices, before I get into what I want to teach, let me tell you what...

    Communicators In Action   -    AAC, communication, language, head pointing, ...