
by Patrick Fothergill, Ontario AAC Consultant & SLP As an AAC-focused SLP with connections to Quebec and northern & eastern Ontario, among other places, I often hear from people seeking French speech-generating devices (SGDs).  And while they exist, until recently I didn’t think there was anything for fo...

    Stories And Strategies Fo...   -    wordpower, french, français, bilingual, aac,...

Active Listening

  Posted on Nov 26, 2013 - 12:10pm

By Kym Heine M.S., CCC-SLP - PRC Regional Consultant Derived from information in Out and About: AAC in the Community (Wagner, Musslewhite and Odom) Developing good active listening skills should be a goal for all communicators, but it is especially important for individuals who use Speech Generating Devices (SGD) as the...

Teach One Thing

  Posted on Jul 18, 2018 - 4:04pm

By Penny Jameson, Liberator Australia When taking on the task of teaching language on a communication device, we are often faced with challenges. Some of them include length of time between therapy sessions, hectic classrooms, busy family life, and just not knowing where to start. What if teaching one thing could re...

by Mary Prather M.Ed LEGOs for Learning It’s been said so often that play is the work of childhood. Fred Rogers said, “Play gives children the chance to practice what they are learning.” It makes sense, then, that the most basic of skills for children (including speaking and writing) should be approached throug...

Camp Jabberjaw

  Posted on Jul 25, 2018 - 11:52am

By Christine Kramlich, Kyleigh’s mom Teaching vs. Talking “What color is this?” “What shape is this?” “What body part is this?” “How old are you?” Can’t you just hear the click of the eye rolling from the person being peppered with these questions? Being a teacher for 14 years, I had a v...

Keep It Core In The Classroom

  Posted on Jan 8, 2014 - 1:38pm

by Dan Mills, M.Ed We often hear of speech therapists being asked to program pages in a speech device for this lesson or that activity. This programming can become very time-consuming and it is hard to keep up with a fast paced curriculum. Many people don’t realize that all they really need is the core vocabulary (...