
Our Trip To Fredericksburg

  Posted on Oct 24, 2018 - 3:16pm

By Kate Chappell, Blogger Last week Dave, my husband, and I went to Fredericksburg which is a little town in the Texas hill country to celebrate his birthday. I was amazed how wheelchair accessible it was compared to 10 years ago. I remember going there with my mom and step-dad, I could only get into couple of restaura...


  Posted on Oct 17, 2018 - 3:11pm

By Brad Whitmoyer, PRC Blogger I use to view dependency on other people as a weakness and being independent as a strength, something for which to strive. While I still believe being as independent as possible is absolutely something to strive for, since independence pretty much always leads to freedom, my pastor gave a ...

My Bad Arm

  Posted on Oct 4, 2018 - 12:18pm

By Kate Chapple, blogger Over the last few months I have been having difficulties accessing my SGD. Normally I access my device with my left hand, but I have lost control over it. This makes me feel very frustrated and angry that I can’t do what I used to. It is kind of like breaking your arm and it never heals. I...

The Renaissance Man

  Posted on Jan 3, 2018 - 3:20pm

By Darryl “Kippy” Porter, Language Lab Blogger Some people could call me a Renaissance man. I have numerous passionate interests. I’m Chicago born-and-bred. I have two brothers, although my father, mother and eldest brother are deceased. I like people to have a fair chance, especially disabled people. ...

ACES Takeaways

  Posted on Aug 9, 2018 - 12:14pm

By Kathryn Helland, Temple University It has been a blink of an eye. Our participants have gone back home, and it is hard to describe how much I already miss these people. I am sad that more opportunities like ACES don’t exist in their daily lives (hooray, ACES West!). For all the pros and cons of social media, I am gr...

    Making AAC Work


  Posted on Sep 12, 2018 - 11:59am

By Jane Odom, M.Ed, Director of Implementation Resource, PRC Theater performances are fun to watch and even more fun to participate in. Most students who use AAC never get the opportunity to perform in front of a live audience. They never get to feel the butterflies of nervousness in their stomachs or hear the applau...

    Making AAC Work