
by Darryl Porter, Saltillo Blogger Every person has to get their hustle on these days, and especially disabled people. Some businesses won’t hire disabled people, because they think disabled people can’t do the jobs if the business decides to hire a disabled person. So the disabled person must prove themselves fo...

Freedom To Ride

  Posted on Mar 28, 2018 - 3:53pm

By Hank Poore, PRC Blogger Last Thursday I flew to D.C. with my mom and my brother. My uncle Keith flew in too. My uncle basically rented a giant Lexus . We drove to the hotel. I didn’t go to Washington for just a “get away” – I went because I had some “business to do”. That “business” was a not a hal...

First Semester Of High, Second Year Of High School

  Posted on Feb 21, 2018 - 10:08am

By Hank Poore, PRC Blogger My first semester of high school was Awesome! I became a manager for the football team which meant that I had to stay after school 3 days a week and I had to go to all of the football games and I had to take salt to the football players. I also had to take a clipboard around with me and documen...

Fifty Shades Smarter

  Posted on Aug 8, 2018 - 1:09pm

By Chelsea Hagen, PRC Blogger I have wanted to write about parents that are overly protective of their disabled children, and why, WE the children, let them get away with it. I’m not sure I have the answer, but here is my funny story anyway. When I was eighteen I asked my overly protective mother if I could read the...

Expect The Unexpected

  Posted on Jun 6, 2018 - 11:59am

By Jennifer Herzog, B.S Many years ago, I wrote one of the first “Stories and Strategies for Success” blog articles and profiled my favorite pair of clown sunglasses and most ridiculous hat. I had just worked with a young man learning to use a device for the first time and relied on these gadgets to elicit communicat...

Emmerdale: My Favorite Soap Opera

  Posted on May 2, 2018 - 2:45pm

By Ciara Withero, student Ciara is a 16 year old student who uses the Grid 2 device and is from Dublin, Ireland. Its set in Yorkshire England most things happen in the pub and on the farm. Some of the characters are old and young. Some of the Young are party animals They like to dance in the night club. It is My fav...