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Becoming An Exceptional AAC Leader

  Posted on Apr 22, 2021 - 2:29pm

Reviewed by Johana Schwartz - Ability Now Blogger An invitation for you to network on the frontlines of the field is yours to download, a click away, and currently occupying Amazon’s top selling slot in Hearing Sciences. The second volume of the series, Becoming an Exceptional AAC Leader, presents the state of the al...

    News   -    literature, aac, leader, book, amazon, abilit...

What If?

  Posted on Aug 18, 2020 - 2:09pm

By Jane Odom, M. Ed, AAC Language Lab Training & Implementation Specialist The AAC Language Lab has always tried to provide those supporting students using AAC with a variety of tools they can use to help their students be successful communicators.  What we have found is that language is more than just used for si...

    News   -    literacy, school, communication, language, ph...

Supporting Core Vocabulary With Video

  Posted on May 28, 2020 - 1:27pm

By Chris D. Yensan, MA, CCC-SLP If you’re a speech therapist, you’re probably creative.  It seems that more often than not the SLPs I know and work with have come up with some incredible and original solutions to complex problems time after time, from making adaptive styli for an AAC device to creating ori...

    News   -    youtube, core, vocabulary, slp, language, the...

Let's Go Play

  Posted on Feb 5, 2020 - 2:26pm

By Shelby McCarthy, M.S. CCC-SLP & author  I am Shelby McCarthy, M.S. CCC-SLP, and author of the newly released, Let's Go Play. I initially set off on this writing journey to create something to help my own daughter, Kennedy, transition into school.  More specifically, I wanted her teachers to have a tool to ...

    News   -    aac, inclusion, adaptive, play, author, paren...

Game Changer

  Posted on Jan 23, 2020 - 10:49am

By Jane Odom, M.Ed - AAC Language Training & Implementation Specialist I was fortunate enough to go to the  Florida Education Technology Conference (FETC) last week.  This year it was in Miami, so - 80 degrees and sunny.  I had no problem leaving the cold for the beach.  I was on a mission.  I...

    News   -    robotics, STEAM, STEM, coding, accessibility,...

LAMP Words For Life VI

  Posted on Mar 20, 2019 - 4:41pm

By Jeremy Legaspi, CCC-SLP LAMP Words for Life VI evolved out of a need for a robust and consistent language system for the visually impaired population. Early intervention with this population typically utilizes real objects or large tactile cards to represent language. This is a great starting point and typically gets ch...

    News   -    lamp, words for life, vision, icons, tactile,...