Road Trip

Posted Mar 16, 2023 - 8:57am

By Parr Burton, PRC-Saltillo Blogger

Let's talk about road trips. Road trips can be fun and sometimes not so fun. A bad road trip to me is when you find nothing to do except stop for food. A good road trip is when you find places to stop or other fun things to do on the way to your destination. I have had both.

My family and I have been on a lot of road trips. One fun trip was when we drove to St. Louis on my birthday. We were in the car all day. It could have been a yucky birthday stuck in the car, but we made up a game. I could open a present at every state line. That was fun. Another time, we went to the beach. On our way, we passed Wild Animal Safari and decided to drive through. The animals come up to the window of your car to get food. When you try to move your car, the animals won't move and you are like, "excuse me, excuse me, can I move?" Both those road trips are good memories.

This spring break I took a road trip that was not fun. We did not stop anywhere and tour because things were closed. We planned to stop at a park that had huge trolls made out of woo, but it was closed for storm cleanup. We missed the largest pocket knife in the world because we missed the exit. The only place we stopped was Buc'ees and got food. It was not an exciting trip.

We will probably go on a few road trips this summer like Alabama, the beach, and to camps. I will make it better by

doing some planning ahead of time for fun places to stop and things to do. I am already ready to go.

Life with Parr