
Posted Apr 3, 2023 - 9:01am

By Parr Burton, PRC-Saltillo Blogger

What are some things that bother me when I am using my device to talk to somebody?  The one thing I would like people to know is that most computer users don't like it when people dont let them finish what they are typing before they start guessing what the user is saying.  It's like if I interrupted someone in the middle of them talking and finished their sentence for them.  They would think that was so rude, but people do it to us all the time.   

Also, I don't like when someone keeps talking over me.  Let me say what I am saying even if you don’t agree or think it’s silly.  I would do the same for you.    

One other thing is sometimes people stare at my device but don’t ask about it.  Little kids are different.  Most little kids will come up and just say “what is that” and I show them.  I would rather people just ask.  I like it a lot better.   

I don’t think people mean to be rude when they do these things.  I think people believe they are helping me out and trying to make it easier for me.   I am really good at using my device and I am good at teaching people that people that use computers to talk are just like everybody else, it just takes longer.   So just be patient. 


Life with Parr