AAC Summer Bucket List

Posted Jul 6, 2022 - 11:00am

By Brandon Williamson, PRC-Saltillo Blogger

Now that things are more open after COVID-19 closures, I made an AAC summer bucket list with fun activities you can do with your family and friends while using your communication device. Try to get them all checked off and enjoy the sunshine!

AAC Summer Bucket List:

  1. Go on a picnic - Use your device to help pick out what foods you will pack
  2. Have a movie night or go to a drive-in movie - Practice lowering the volume on your device to “whisper”
  3. Go to the park - Talk about what you see, use word finder if you need help
  4. Eat some ice cream - Practice ordering your favorite flavor
  5. Have a cookout - Pick out your favorite condiments, toppings, sides, or a desert
  6. Visit the zoo - Talk about the animal exhibits or ask someone a question
  7. Read or look a book - Tell someone what it is about
  8. Play a board game with family or friends - Practice taking turns
  9. Go on a road trip/day trip somewhere - Talk about your favorite part of the day

Bonus Item:

  1. Go to a sports game (baseball, soccer, etc.) - Pick out your favorite team, talk about what their team colors are, and wear a shirt that’s one of their colors to a game!

Here’s a link to printable copies!

Communicators In Action  -    aac, therapy, summer, vacation, communication