AAC in the General Ed Classroom

Posted May 25, 2022 - 1:18pm

By Carson Covey, PRC-Saltillo Blogger

First of all, I wanted to do this topic for a while. I wanted to wait until school ends. I have been fighting with the school systems in the state of  Colorado because the school systems will not put kids with high tech Augmentative and Alternative Communication devices in a general education classroom. I do not know if this is happening in your kid’s school but I hope not. Colorado’s school system’s reasons why: They think that the kids with intellectual disabilities are not really ready for general education so it is not worth it. By the way the kid’s caseworker and the kid’s education team can have that discussion and make those decisions, not the system. Anyways, there are  other reasons why the general education people do not like AAC in general.

Here is what I recommend if you are running into this problem. If you and your kid want general education next year. The students’s words will work like magic trust me. I made a PowerPoint presentation on AAC in a general classroom. The first topic in the PowerPoint was some general information about AAC. The other topic was what I could bring to a general education classroom.  Another example is educate teachers on giving users of AAC extra time to generate a question or an answer and call on them just like they would any other student. 

Communicators In Action  -    aac, education, prc, saltillo, implementation, school, general, special