By Margaret Moore, PRC-Saltillo Blogger I have been mainstreamed since preschool. Classes always involve students reading aloud from course material and their own work. As an AAC user, I never had an efficient way of doing this—if I knew that I would be expected to read my work aloud when I was composing my assignmen...
My presentation went wonderfully! These are some of the questions I got asked. I would like to thank you for providing me with these very thoughtful questions! I have been speaking to various university classes for years, and these are some of my better questions, and I’m truly impressed. It was my pleasu...
By Kyle Dinwiddie, PRC-Saltillo Blogger We have the best neighbors in the world. We look out for one another and are always ready to lend a hand when needed. Every year we usually exchange cookies, but a couple of our close neighbors bring us gifts. This year one neighbor gave us a basket filled with all kinds ...
By Sarah Wilds, M.S., CCC-SLP Last week I got the pleasure of meeting Liam, a bright-blue eyed 3 year old. Liam has severe apraxia and had been working for several months on imitation of vowels and consonants. His speech pathologist thought he might benefit from AAC and asked me to come work with the two of them to see...
By Margaret Moore, PRC-Saltillo Blogger One of the common assumptions that people make about my use of AAC is that it limits the types of activities and discussions that I participate in. They surmise that I will not want to partake in events that require me to speak for a prolonged period or compose spontaneous responses ...
by Catlaina Vrana, PRC-Saltillo Ambassador Trailblazers Using AAC in public is interesting. I have a lot of complicated feelings surrounding this topic. I imagine every user will have different experiences in this area, and perspectives that have probably changed over time. As a teenager, I didn’t really like to us...