
Becoming A Polyglot

  Posted on Oct 6, 2021 - 12:24pm

By Johana Schwartz, PRC-Saltillo Blogger In foreign language classrooms or study groups, I found allies among the natural communicators. They were interested in my modes of communication. Minspeak, my communication device's vocabulary system, sparked their interest. They approached my natural speech as an ac...

    Communicators In Action   -    language, polyglot, foreign language, instruc...

Life Changes

  Posted on Oct 11, 2021 - 11:38am

By Hannah Foley, PRC-Saltillo Blogger As people experience the many phases that life naturally presents, they grow in ways and learn things that they would not otherwise.  They also meet people who may or may not have a significant impact on who they are and their life forever, even after that specific chapter of thei...

    Communicators In Action   -    life, college, university, aac, communication...

Let's Talk

  Posted on Oct 13, 2021 - 1:22pm

By Brandon Williamson, PRC-Saltillo Blogger Right now, I mostly use my device to talk with my parents and close family, like my sisters, brothers-in-law and my nieces and nephew. I use my device to talk with the staff and my friends at my day program called All-R-Friends, and I talk with my therapists, my doctor, and close...

    Communicators In Action   -    device, aac, communication, family,

Optimal Encoding Method For Communication

  Posted on Oct 18, 2021 - 1:20pm

By Lance McLemore, PRC-Saltillo Blogger I’m not going to pretend to be unbiased here. I have strong opinions on this subject. However, I know in the field of AAC there are few absolutes and no one-size-fits-all solutions. What might be true and applicable to my situation is not necessarily true and applicable to anot...

    Communicators In Action   -    access, aac, spelling, word prediction, encod...

Independent Living Movement

  Posted on Oct 20, 2021 - 11:17am

By Kim Vuong, PRC-Saltillo Blogger For much of our nation’s history, people with disabilities didn’t have the right and the opportunity to live independently and have control of their own lives. The early colonies, in fact, actually tried to discourage people with disabilities from coming to America at all.&nbs...

    Communicators In Action   -    ada. independent living, empowerment, aac, ri...

Reading Aloud From Notebooks

  Posted on Oct 26, 2021 - 12:29pm

By Margaret Moore, PRC-Saltillo Blogger I have been mainstreamed since preschool. Classes always involve students reading aloud from course material and their own work. As an AAC user, I never had an efficient way of doing this—if I knew that I would be expected to read my work aloud when I was composing my assignmen...

    Communicators In Action   -    communication, notebooks, efficiency, aac, sp...