
Spread The Word

  Posted on Nov 11, 2020 - 12:41pm

By Cory Peters, M.S. CCC-SLP Yes that is right….the AAC word. Being a consultant for an AAC company, I live AAC daily. However, this was not always true and not true for everyone. Like most SLPs I went to a graduate school that trains all about assistive technology in a 3 credit course over the summer. Therefore, it...

    Stories And Strategies Fo...   -    AAC, language, development, autism, communica...

Using The Phone With AAC

  Posted on Nov 9, 2020 - 11:37am

By Carson Covey, PRC-Saltillo Blogger Have you ever tried to order stuff or make appointments on the phone while using your devices?  Here are my tips I have that could help. First, do some research on what questions the organization will ask you. Next, make a PREPROGRAMMED page and make sure you start with the statem...

    Communicators In Action   -    phone, cell, order, appointment, message, aac

"The Fundamentals Of Caring"- Movie Review

  Posted on Nov 4, 2020 - 9:22am

By Ayleen Armendariz, PRC-Saltillo Blogger “The Fundamentals of Caring” Movie review Starring: Paul Rudd, Craig Roberts, Selena Gomez This is my first time writing a movie review.  I watched this movie recently, and not only did it make me laugh it, made me proud.  It made me proud to know that ther...

    Communicators In Action   -    movie, selena, gomez, paul, rudd, craig, robe...


  Posted on Nov 2, 2020 - 12:59pm

By Kim Vuong, PRC-Saltillo Blogger One of the most important things that you can advocate for yourself is voting. Voting is a right and a privilege. If you are of voting age, you should take the opportunity to do it.  You may think that your one vote isn’t important, but it matters a great deal. Our democratic s...

    Communicators In Action   -    vote, government, president, state, represent...

Speech Settings

  Posted on Oct 26, 2020 - 11:03am

By Lance McLemore, PRC-Saltillo Blogger Over the past few years, I have had many opportunities to converse with people interested in AAC: parents, teachers, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, other AAC users, etc. I tend to get asked many of the same questions repeatedly. Because of time constraints it&...

    Communicators In Action   -    AAC, dectalk, voice, pragmatics, social, conv...

The Next Generation

  Posted on Oct 21, 2020 - 3:34pm

By Jane Odom, M. Ed, PRC-Saltillo, AAC Language Lab Training and Implementation Specialist The AAC Industry is quite small in comparison to other industries.  We serve a unique population of clients.  When a student is deciding what path to take for their future, I highly doubt, AAC Specialist is even something t...

    Making AAC Work   -    aac, therapist, teacher, career, college, edu...