
Wheelchair Raincoat

  Posted on Apr 19, 2017 - 2:27pm

By Danny Gonzalez, PRC Blogger I think this should come to the U.S. for all wheelchair and devices users, because this covers not only the person but the device as well!!! We as users need something like this system in the states so when it is raining we don’t get wet and our devices dose not either… Nobody like...



  Posted on Apr 12, 2017 - 12:14pm

By Jacob MacIntosh, PRC Blogger Let me tell you about my weekends. I have been playing iPad. I play Walking Dead Season 2, Battlecast, Card Wars, and YuGiOh. My dad likes to check up on Clash of Clans and sometimes Clash Royale. At six o’clock, I like to watch YouTube. I have been going somewhere to eat. I like to go to...

Using AAC At Home

  Posted on Jul 12, 2017 - 2:36pm

As a Regional Consultant for PRC for over 8 years now, some of the most common questions I get asked is how to incorporate parents into the implementation of AAC and the best ways to provide carryover into the home. Parents play a HUGE role in how AAC is perceived and used by a student. And, we can’t underestimate sibling...

Tweet, Tweet, Tweedle-de-le-de

  Posted on Mar 15, 2017 - 12:25pm

By Angie Sheets Seventeen years ago I began teaching in a centralized, mostly self-contained elementary intense interventions classroom. I was the only teacher in two counties serving in this capacity. Students were bussed in from six different school districts to receive my services. The pressure was on! As a fresh ...

Therapy Has Changed My Life

  Posted on Mar 22, 2017 - 11:49am

By Karim Tawfik, PRC blogger I have a lot of goals for 2017. My first goal is to not be on a wheelchair cuz when we go to the mall or any place I want to be able to move by myself. I know that it will not come easy and I have to work hard. I want to learn how to type with my left hand and use my left hand more often. I...

The Real Beauty And The Beast

  Posted on Sep 27, 2017 - 12:02pm

By Kyle Dinwiddie, PRC Blogger It is funny how we judge someone by looks. We always think that a juicy, red apple is good. Even though it looks good, inside it may be brown with worms climbing out. My mom and I watched an interesting movie named The Real Beauty and the Beast. I love the classic story where a beaut...